
The Application Period for Interchain Delegations Cycle is now closed.

Interchain received a total of 127 applications, 90 of which were from validators currently in the Active Set of the

In total, validators submitted 419 sets of contributions for evaluation (applicants could submit multiple contributions):

  • 41% for Community Contributions
  • 33% for Engineering Contributions
  • 26% for Public Good Contributions

Team stats:

  • 5% are 1-person teams
  • 38% are 2-4 person teams
  • 28% are 5-9 person teams

Of the applicants who responded, the teams are globally distributed. The largest single segment was the US – where 15% of the teams are based. The remaining 85% are distributed across the world.In terms of where the majority of their nodes are based, about a fifth of nodes are based in Germany and the US each. The remaining ~60% of the nodes are globally distributed.

97% of applicants who responded said they validate on at least one other @Cosmos chain, while 66% said they also validate on at least one non-Cosmos chain.