If you didn’t know already, there is a little news from Iron Fish. The project, which along with ALEO builds a system of confidential connections, using zero-knowledge technology, has launched a testnet on its website. Everyone can take part in testing. The main thing is the desire and desire to learn this project. At the site you can find several items that the team Iron Fish gives to test. So you can find bugs in the system and send them to developers and moderators (see Fig. 1). For this, the team Iron Fish will thank you with bonuses (1 error-100 points).
In addition, you can take part in mining. The Iron Fish team thanks the participant for every block that enters the network. 1 block = 100 points.
Also in the testnet is an opportunity to earn points promoting the project, that is, you can write articles about the project, make various memes, shoot tic-tacs with the project, to put various videos on your youtube channels. For this work the team can thank you up to 1000 points. Accordingly, the more time-consuming, high-quality work, the more points you can get for it.
The team doesn’t stop there and gives the user the opportunity to earn points for corrections. All you have to do is submit a request for a fix, and the team can rate your work a minimum of 250 points, so be careful and pay attention to absolutely everything.
And finally, the team Iron Fish is not limited to these points and accepts absolutely all suggestions to the post testnet@ironfish.network. If you have any crazy ideas how you can attract a large audience, how to fix various errors in the system, how to improve the project, you can safely apply to the post and share your news. You can do absolutely everything, every initiative is supported by the project.